Being successful means a lot of things. Being savvy when it comes to personal finance is a must, including these Financial Habits of Successful Women.

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  1. This was great! I’m in the works of stating a small business and this is definitely helpful!

  2. I would agree with most of this, but I definitely encourage women to use their credit card and credit lines, so long as they are able to pay off their balances. Doing this could help establish their credit, and credit worthiness is important for anything they want in life; lower rates on loans, renting or buying a house, even getting a job.

    The key though is to understand early on that building credit does not mean going into debt.

  3. Ah, see this is very different depending on where you live in the world. I’m in Australia and we don’t have positive credit reporting, only negative. Which is good in some ways and bad in others. So for us, having a credit card is often seen as a negative when applying for a loan and most often your positive credit history has little to no bearing on interest rates. Which is why it’s so important for women to know what rules apply to them based on where they live 🙂

  4. These are great tips! As a college student, I’ve been learning the value of money management & it’s definitely not easy all the time. I use the website to budget and it’s a lifesaver!!

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