Think by the time you turn 30 you need to have this whole 'adult' thing down pat? You definitely don't, but there are certain things women should know by the time 30 comes around (or even sooner).

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  1. This is such a wonderful list. I’ll be 29 this month and the closer I get to 30, the more anxious I feel about “having it together”! I especially love the tips about learning to say no and caring for ourselves =)

  2. Saying ‘no’ is one of the most powerful things you can do! I was so scared of turning 30, but to be honest, it’s not as bad as I thought 🙂 ‘Having it all together’ is overrated anyway 😛 And Happy Birthday!! <3

  3. I love this post!! I turned 30 last May (31 here I come!) and it was definitely a big moment for me to face my assumptions about what I thought that meant and where I thought my life “should” be. It’s been wonderful getting older and the older I get the more excited I am about it! There are GREAT tips and reminders – thank you. I especially love “‘No’ isn’t a bad word and ‘yes’ should be reserved for when you mean it.” So true!

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