5 Simple Ways to Make Your Home Cozier
One of the main reasons why Fall is my favorite season is: coziness. Wherever I go, I look for places that look warm and fuzzy, that have dimmed lights, and where I can relax and spend a few moments of contemplation or bonding with friends and family.
Cozy places invite me to create new memories, live new experiences, unwind from work, feel pampered, and much more.
Now, imagine having that feeling in your home, every day! O
ur homes should be places of relaxation and togetherness, even if life gets hectic.
Today, I will show you five tips to make your home cozier.
1 – Minimize And Organize
First things first. A home cannot be inviting and cozy if it is filled with clutter.
Even if we are not consciously aware of it, clutter distracts the eye and the mind. Have you ever been at a place where you find yourself unable to relax?
It’s probably because it is filled with too much stuff.
Visual clutter makes our mind focus on too many things at a time.
What about hotel rooms and spas?
We can usually relax there because those places have bare surfaces and almost no decor. The goal here isn’t to go full minimalist but to declutter a bit and leave surfaces cleaner.
Choose fewer items to display and store the rest.
Not only will your home feel aired but it will also be relaxing.
The items you choose to display will also grab more attention than amongst a sea of decor.
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2 – Designate One Spot In The House For Ultimate Coziness
If your entire home can be cozy and your lifestyle allows it, go for it!
But for those of us who can’t afford it, have hectic work schedules, have more family members (especially little ones) or pets in the house, it can be quite a challenge to make everything cozy. So designate a specific spot to concentrate all your efforts (decluttering is for everything, though).
I have a storage bench in my bedroom that displays my seasonal decor and my candles.
My bed is where I meditate, work on affirmations, visualize, relax with a cup of coffee, read, and of course, sleep. I try to avoid working on it because I don’t want to mix the spaces for relaxation with the workspaces.
Reading nooks and window seats make great places of coziness.
3 – Get The Lighting Right
Have you entered a café that has a comfortable, warm atmosphere?
Pay attention to the lightning.
Scandinavians often talk about the power of lightning in creating cozy spaces. Some of their tips include getting rid of overhead lamps and invest in desk, wall or floor lamps.
If they have a dimmer switch, even better!
Combine this with candles and you are good to go.
Candles are a plus because they also freshen up the room and spread delicious smells.
Now, for the sake of the environment, please use eco-friendly light bulbs and candles and don’t forget to turn them off when you leave the room.
4 – Bring The Outdoors Inside
Many of the homes I’ve seen that inspire coziness and relaxation have elements of nature in their decor.
Think about Japanese interiors. They are usually minimalist (see tip 1), and have a mixture of wood, stone, water, and plants mixed with artificial materials.
This creates a very nice contrast and really makes the decor stand out. It also gives a zen-vibe that immediately makes you feel calmer, more mindful, and at ease.
Natural items in interior design make atmospheres peaceful and comforting so add a plant here and there, get a small fountain, a Japanese sand garden, or some cool stones.
You could also get a Himalayan salt lamp and get both cozy lightning and nature in one item!
5 – Keep It All In A Similar Palette
This has to do with personal taste, of course, but personally, I prefer spaces that have 1-3 neutral colors in furniture, floors, walls, and perhaps 1-2 statement colors in the small things, like blankets, pillows, photo frames, rugs, etc.
I love the combination of white, gray, and black with lavender accents but of course, choose the colors that you love the most.
Bonus: Now that you’ve made your home, or a nook cozy, make sure to enjoy it! Have a day off every week or at least an entire afternoon.
Coziness is not only for the physical space but also for the corporeal, mental, and spiritual spaces.
It’s important to take time off to recharge our batteries, focus on our hobbies, have social time with loved ones, pamper ourselves, and take a break from the day to day.
Not only will you be more productive when you get back to work, but you will also be happier with your life, as you have dedicated time to be more mindful and enjoy the little things.
How have you been able to make your home cozier?