75 Words Of Affirmation Love Language: Examples, Ideas, and Tips To Understand Your Partner
We all know how powerful our words can be, but when it comes to the Words of Affirmation Love Language, knowing how to use your words to express your love can be a big game changer, not only for your romantic relationship but also for understanding yourself too.
While we all love to be told we’re doing a great job, or loving words from our partner (especially after a bad day), those who have words of affirmation as their primary language need words of encouragement and verbal affirmation from their romantic partners in order to feel loved.
It may seem like learning each other’s love language is a whole lot of hard work, but simply understanding your preferred love language, and your spouse’s love language can be the first step to being able to express your love to each other in meaningful ways.
It’s also a great way to learn more about each other and create deeper connections for strong, resilient, and healthy relationships.

What Are The 5 Love Languages?
We all have a primary love language that shapes the way we express and receive love. Dr. Gary Chapman first introduced the idea of the five love languages in his best-selling book, “The 5 Love Languages.”
In his book, he outlines the 5 ways people give and receive love: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.
1. Words of Affirmation: Expressing affection through verbal compliments, words of appreciation, and encouragement. If this is your love language, you feel loved when your partner expresses their fondness for you verbally.
For example, telling you how much they appreciate you or telling you that you’re beautiful/handsome. Sweet text messages throughout the day can also fill your “love tank”.
When words are coupled with positive body language, like a smile or gentle touch on the arm or cheek – it speaks volumes!
2. Quality Time: Spending one-on-one time together without distractions where you can focus your full attention on each other. This is about quantity AND quality time!
Read more about the Love Language of Quality Time.

3. Receiving Gifts: Not just the thought that counts (but that is incredibly important too) – it’s the act of receiving gifts that communicates love for some people!
Gifts that let them know that you were thinking about them and were looking for an opportunity to make them feel special, or that have special meaning to them really make this love language shine.
Read more about the Love Language of Receiving Gifts.
4. Acts of Service: Actions always speak louder than words! Doing things that you know need to be done in order to help relieve some of the burden your partner is carrying communicates love much better than simply telling them “I’ll help you with that.”
Read more about the Love Language of Acts of Service.
5. Physical Touch: Physical touch is such an important part of feeling loved for some people!
Whether it’s holding hands while watching TV on the couch or exchanging long hugs goodbye in the morning before work – nonsexual physical touch lets your partner know that you’re physically present with them and care about being close to them.
Even if physical intimacy isn’t involved, physical touch can still communicate volumes about how much you care for someone!
Read more about the Love Language of Physical Touch.
If you’re not sure what type of love language you speak, you can take the Love Language Quiz here – 5 Love Languages Quiz

What Is The Words of Affirmation Love Language?
The words of affirmation love language is all about using words to build your partner up. This love language is about expressing your affection for your partner through verbal compliments, words of appreciation, and encouragement.
This could be through compliments, expressing gratitude, or simply telling your partner that you love them. If this is your partner’s love language, then nothing means more to them than hearing these words from you.
Unfortunately, sometimes people with this love language can be misunderstood.
For example, some people might think that always saying “I love you” is annoying or that complimenting your partner too much is disingenuous.
However, if you truly understand the words of affirmation love language, then you know that this could not be further from the truth!
People who value words of affirmation need to hear these things frequently in order to feel loved and appreciated and to fill their love tank.
Often big fans of heart-to-heart chats, verbal communication plays a major role in ensuring your partner feels the love you have for them.
The good news is, that this is perhaps one of the easier love languages to speak, and there are plenty of examples below to help you find the best way to express your love while speaking the words of affirmation love language.

Why Is Knowing Your Love Language Important?
We all have different ways of expressing and receiving love. Some of us are more physical, while others are more verbal.
And while we might all have our own unique love languages, most people generally fall into one or a mix of the main love languages.
So why is it so important to know your love language?
Well, for one thing, it can help you to better express your love for others.
If you know that your partner’s primary love language is physical touch, then you’ll know that they appreciate things like hugs, cuddles, and massages. On the other hand, if you know that your partner’s love language is gifts, you’ll know that they appreciate thoughtful presents – even if they’re small or inexpensive.
But knowing your own love language is just as important as knowing your partner’s.
That’s because it can help you to feel more loved and appreciated in your relationship.
If you know that your love language is quality time, then you’ll know that you appreciate spending time with your partner – whether it’s going on dates or simply hanging out around the house, and you’ll be able to express this need to your partner.
Likewise, if you know that your love language is words of affirmation, then you’ll know that you appreciate hearing kind and positive words from your partner, and you can express how important this is to you, how this makes you feel loved, and encourage them to keep doing it.
The love languages can be such a helpful tool in relationships because they can act as a guide on how best to express and receive affection from our partners, and are explained in a way that helps us to understand that we really do give and receive love in different ways.
Knowing what fills your own and your partner’s “love tank” is essential to having a strong relationship built on a foundation of love, understanding, and mutual respect.

75 Ideas And Examples Of Words Of Affirmation
Here are 75+ Words of Affirmation examples and ideas you can use to start meeting your partner’s needs today.
Examples of Ways To Use Words of Affirmation:
1 – Make a point to say “I love you” every day. This can be first thing in the morning as you’re heading out the door, or right before you end a phone call. Just make sure that you say it from the heart and with sincerity.
2 – Send your partner a sweet text or two during the day just to let them know you’re thinking about them. Something like “I can’t wait to see you tonight” or “I miss your face” is sure to put a smile on their face.
3 – Apologize when you screw up (and we all screw up sometimes). A genuine apology goes a long way in any relationship. Take responsibility for your actions and assure your partner that it won’t happen again. Trust me, they’ll appreciate it! Words of affirmation are important in the good times and the bad.
4 – Compliment your partner often. This could be something as simple as telling them they look nice today or that you really enjoyed spending time with them yesterday. Whatever it is, make sure it’s honest and from the heart.
5 – Say “thank you” often. We often take our partners for granted, but it’s so important to show appreciation for all they do for us – big or small. Whether they made dinner tonight or listened to you vent about your crappy day, make sure to let them know that their efforts did not go unnoticed.

6 – Plan a special date for just the two of you. This could be anything from going out to dinner and a movie to taking a walk in the park or spending a day exploring a new city. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something your partner will enjoy and that you have quality time together. Spend your time together telling them all the things you love about them and why you are so grateful for them.
7 – Write a heartfelt letter expressing your love for your partner. Sometimes the written word can be even more powerful than spoken words. Take some time to really think about all the reasons you love and appreciate your partner, and write them down in a letter. They’ll cherish it forever!
8 – Send them good morning texts every morning saying how much you love them, and hope they have a great day. Even if you’ve seen each other that morning, hearing these words again, or reading them in a message, will make them feel so loved and appreciated.
9 – Write an ‘I love you’ message in the steam in the shower or on the mirror so when your partner is in the bathroom next, they can see the message. Or write sweet words on a sticky note and leave it where you know your partner will see it.
10 – Set reminders on their phone to go off at different times of the day with sweet notes and messages from you. They’ll be sure to smile every time they see it!

Examples of Words of Affirmation You Can Use:
Here are some examples of things you can say to your partner if words of affirmation is their love language:
11 – Thank you for always being there for me when I need you
12 – I’m so grateful for everything you do for our family
13 – I admire your strength and resilience
14 – You’re so beautiful/handsome inside and out
15 – You’re an amazing friend/partner/parent
16 – I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished
17 – Thank you for being understanding/thoughtful/compassionate
18 – I feel so lucky to be with you
19 – There’s no one else I’d rather be with than you
20 – You bring joy into my life every day

21 – I cherish our time together
22 – I can’t wait to build a life with you
23 – You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner
24 – You’re my best friend and I love you
25 – I love you more than anything in this world
26 – Thank you for being you and for being a part of my life
27 – I can’t imagine my life without you
28 – You’re my reason for everything
29 – Seeing you happy makes me happy
30 – I’ll always be here for you, no matter what

31 – You’re the most important person in my life
32 – I love you more than words could ever say
33 – You mean everything to me
34 – I’m so thankful for our relationship and for having you in my life
35 – There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you
36 – You’re my world and I love you with all my heart
37 – I promise to always be there for you, through good times and bad times. I love you.
38 – No matter what happens in this life, know that I will always love you. You’re my everything.
39 – I cannot imagine my life without you. You mean everything to me and I love you with all my heart.
40 – I would do anything to see you smile.

41 – You’re my best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life.
42 – You make me a better person.
43 – Seeing you happy makes me happier than anything in this world.
44 – There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
45 – You make me smile every single day.
46 – I love the way you laugh.
47 – I am so grateful for everything you do for me.
48 – Seeing you first thing in the morning is the perfect start to my day.
49 – Thank you for being you and for being a part of my life.
50 – Thank you for being understanding/thoughtful/compassionate.

51 – You look absolutely radiant today.
52 – You are perfect, just the way you are.
53 – I am here for you, I’m ready to listen anytime you want to share.
54 – I am yours.
55 – I see how hard you’re working, I’m so proud of you.
56 – Thank you so much for…
57 – It makes me smile so much when I see you…
58 – I couldn’t have done it without you, thank you so much for your help.
59 – You light up the room.
60 – You make all of the people around you so happy.

61 – You inspire me.
62 – You are such an amazing person.
63 – I appreciate how you take my needs into consideration. Thank you for that.
64 – The world is a better place because you’re in it.
65 – I just love being around you.
66 – You make me feel so safe.
67 – Loving you is one of my favorite things to do.
68 – You are so smart and so kind.
69 – I love the way you challenge me intellectually.
70 – You’re doing such an amazing job, is there anything I can do to help or support you?

71 – I believe in you.
72 – I know you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to.
73 – I love your determination and tenacity.
74 – I value your opinion, and I’d love to know what you think.
75 – I love our life together so much. Our reality is better than I ever could have imagined.
You can use any of these as inspiration for your own words of affirmation, or copy them directly for an instant love note, quick message to send, or simply as a way to express what it is you’ve been thinking and feeling all along.
You might also love these Affirmations For Love & Marriage – they can be a great way to talk positively and bring focus to your relationship.

Tips If Your Love Language Is Words Of Affirmation
If your Primary Love Language is Words of Affirmation, you may feel appreciated when your partner expresses their love for you verbally, says kind and encouraging things to you, or speaks about you in a positive and uplifting way to others.
It is important to remember that everyone expresses and receives love differently, so just because your partner doesn’t say “I Love You” as often as you do, doesn’t mean they don’t love you.
Here are some tips to ensure your needs are met if your love language is Words of Affirmation:
1 – Try not to take it personally if your partner doesn’t say “I Love You” as often as you’d like. Instead, have a conversation with them about love languages and explain how important it is for you to hear those words.
2 – Encourage your partner to express their love for you in their own way. Whether it’s through words, actions, or both – let them know that you appreciate their efforts and talk about ways to include words of affirmation in ways they already express love for you.

3 – Make sure to express your love for your partner in the way that THEY need to feel loved. This may be different from what you need, but it’s important to remember that we all have different love languages. Making the effort to speak their love language can also encourage them to make the effort to speak your love language.
4 – Be patient with your partner as they learn your love language. It may take some time for them to get used to expressing their love for you in this way, but with a little patience and understanding, they’ll get there eventually!
5 – Don’t be afraid to tell your partner what you need from them in order to feel loved and appreciated. We all have different love languages, so it’s important to communicate with your partner about what yours is and how they can best show their love for you.
Being open and honest and conveying exactly what you need can sometimes be the easiest and most helpful way to learn each other’s love language.

Tips If Your Partner’s Love Language Is Words of Affirmation
If your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, then hearing positive things from you is incredibly important to them! This can be difficult to understand if you don’t speak the same love language.
Here are a few tips on how to express love with the words of affirmation love language, so you can fill your partner’s love tank and show how much you care:
1 – Make sure that your compliments and expressions of gratitude are genuine, and try to say these things as often as possible. With a little bit of effort, speaking your partner’s love language will become second nature!
2 – If you’re not used to expressing your feelings verbally, it may be helpful to write them down. This can be in the form of a letter, card, or even a simple note left on their pillow. Whatever form it takes, make sure that your words come from the heart.
3 – Take some time to think about the things your partner has done that you’re grateful for, and make sure to verbalize these things often. It could be something as simple as picking up dinner on their way home from work, or taking care of the kids so you can have a break. Whatever it is, your partner will appreciate hearing how thankful you are for their efforts.

4 – When you see your partner and think to yourself ‘wow they look good’ or ‘gosh I’m so glad I have them’ say these thoughts out loud! They would LOVE to hear them!
5 – Choose your words carefully. All of our words have power, but the words we use carry even more meaning when we speak the words of affirmation love language. Choose positive words and express them with love.
Just remember that it’s important to be genuine when expressing these things—your partner will be able to tell if you’re just saying them because you think it’s what they want to hear.
Final Thoughts
Learning your partner’s love language can be a challenge, but it’s so worth it when you see the positive impact it has on your relationship!
If your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, make sure that you’re taking the time to express your love for them in this way. A little effort goes a long way, and your partner will appreciate hearing the positive things you have to say.