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77 Positive Affirmations For Love, Relationships and Marriage

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Whether you’re looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

Rather than focusing on the feelings of lack in your life, these affirmations will encourage you to focus on bringing in more positivity and finding gratitude for what you already have.

And it’s not just woo-woo beliefs (although we love a little woo here). Science supports that a positive mindset can not only lead to personal growth, but it can actually counter a negative spiral of thoughts too.

What Are Affirmations?

You may find yourself wondering what are affirmations, and whether or not they work, which is totally understandable.

Put simply, positive affirmations are statements that you make to yourself, which reinforce a positive aspect of your life. They are powerful tools that take positive statements to help overcome negative thoughts and allow you to focus on the good things in life.

Affirmations can be used to focus on improving aspects of your life that you feel need improvements, such as self-confidence and self-esteem.

While some people simply brush off affirmations as wishful thinking, research shows there’s much more to positive self-talk and positive affirmations than simply making you feel good.

They’re regularly used by professional athletes, performers, and other elite level professionals who use positive mindset strategies on their subconscious mind, like affirmations, to help envisage their success.

Daily positive affirmations are also linked to the age-old philosophy of the law of attraction whereby the energy you put out into the universe is that in which you attract back to you – put out positive love vibes and that is what will come back to you.

You might also like – What Are Affirmations? (And How To Use Them Properly)

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

How To Use Affirmations?

Creating a daily ritual around the use of your affirmations is a to not only remind you to use them, but to give yourself focused time to be present and consciously aware of the affirmations you are repeating.

Some ideas for how you can use your affirmations include:

  • journaling your affirmations each night, writing down the affirmations that are important to you and journaling more about why that is so
  • standing in front of a mirror and repeating the affirmations to yourself
  • recording yourself saying your affirmations and then listening back to them as you fall asleep
  • reciting them out loud to yourself in your car when you’re stuck in traffic, or when you stop at stop signs
  • affirming the affirmation to other people whenever they tell you about their day or ask how your own is going (for example, when someone asks how you are you can respond with ‘I am healthy and living my best life’)
  • writing affirmations into a daily planner, repeating them throughout the day every time you open up that planner
  • writing affirmations on sticky notes and posting them around your house or office
  • repeating affirmations in your head as you go to sleep, first thing when you wake up, and throughout the day
  • sending affirmations to yourself through text or email on a daily basis
  • setting reminders on your phone with your affirmations as the text so you see them throughout the day

While the following affirmations for love are separated into different groups, this is so you can easily see which ones may apply to you, however this doesn’t mean you can’t use ones from different categories.

There may be affirmations to attract love that are more suited to you, even if you’re married, as you’re wanting to attract more love into your marriage.

Choose affirmations that you’re attracted to, that feel good for you, and that you like.

Keep these positive love affirmations close by to use regularly and help keep a positive mindset.

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

Positive Affirmations To Attract Love

Use these affirmations if you’re looking to attract new love into your life:

1 – I attract loving relationships effortlessly

2 – It is safe for me to show who I truly am

3 – I am worth loving and I accept that love in return

4 – My true self is loveable just as I am right now

5 – Unconditional love flows freely and I am open to receiving it

6 – My life partner will come into my life at the right time

7 – Love is all around me wherever I go

8 – My heart is open to receiving love

9 – Love flows easily into my life

10 – Loving connections are effortless for me and come very naturally

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

11 – I let go of past relationships of love and allow only positive love into my life

12 – It is safe for me to love and be loved

13 – I deserve to be loved and I accept that love in return

14 – Unconditional love and acceptance is my natural state of being

15 – It is safe for me to receive the love I desire right now

16 – I am a loving person and others sense this about me

17 – I attract only high vibration harmonious relationships that fulfil my heart’s desires

18 – I accept only the highest state of unconditional love and being into my life

19 – I am making room in my life for my soul mate and welcome them with open arms

20 – I am loved more than I could ever imagine possible

21 – The universe is bringing my soulmate to me, they get closer each and every day

22 – I see love in the small every day things

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

Positive Affirmations For Love In A Relationship

Affirmations for love can be used even if you’re already in a relationship. Think of them as a self development tool, and a relationship development tool, that can help you focus on attracting more of the positive love into your relationship and help you to focus on all the good that is already there.

Try these powerful love affirmations to help focus on the positive – you can even choose a daily relationship affirmation to say together.

23 – I am open to receiving unconditional love from my partner

24 – My partner and I feel a deep connection and love for one another

25 – We are both happy and in love in our relationship

26 – We support and uplift each other with joy and positive energy for the highest good of ourselves and others

27 – Our relationship is filled with trust, honesty, open communication, mutual understanding, and most of all love

28 – My inner being is filled with loving feelings for my partner right now

29 – I am grateful to have my partner in my life

30 – With every day that passes our relationship becomes more loving and passionate

31 – As my partner sends me loving thoughts, I return them back to him/her

32 – We are in love and happy together

33 – I feel that my partner and I are soulmates, meant to meet and connect in this lifetime

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

34 – We are in love and it continues to grow with time

35 – I happily give and receive love each day

36 – I accept love in all forms, and understand my partners love language

37 – I am in a loving relationship that brings me an abundance of joy

38 – I am worthy of love and worthy of giving love

39 – I focus on creating a healthy relationship

40 – An abundance of love flows through our daily life

41 – I am a loving and caring partner and give the best version of myself to my relationship

42 – I stand in my relationship with an open heart and open mind

43 – We navigate difficult times together and lean on each other for love and support

44 – We listen to each other, spend quality time together, and block out the outside world to bring focus into our relationship

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

Positive Affirmations For Love In A Marriage

These affirmations for love are specifically designed for couples who are married and the challenges and daily commitment that comes with married life.

Daily affirmations are a great way to connect with each other, especially if one or both of you have words of affirmation as your love language.

You can even use these affirmations as a starting point in creating an intention for your date night, or as an entire theme for you quality time/date night together (because you don’t need date nights, but you do need quality time).

45 – I choose my marriage and my husband/wife every day

46 – I see true love in the small gestures and moments of our day

47 – I will always put my husband/wife first and know they will do the same in turn for me

48 – I value the commitment we have made to each other and honour our vows

49 – I feel safe and secure in my marriage and know I am loved

50 – I communicate openly with my husband/wife and speak with honesty and truth

51 – I show my husband/wife lots of love and affection

52 – I am grateful for the love in my life right now

53 – I enjoy spending time with my husband/wife because they are my best friend

54 – My partner brings out the very best in me

55 – We are able to find the humour in almost every situation because we know we’ll be okay no matter what

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

56 – My husband/wife and I trust each other completely and know we will always be there for one another

57 – We both make time to talk through any issues or problems as they arise

58 – We communicate openly and honestly, even with difficult topics

59 – It is safe for me to share my feelings with my husband/wife

60 – I am grateful for the love in our home and feel contentment every day

61 – My husband/wife and I fall more and more in love each and every day

62 – My husband/wife supports me in all of my endeavours

63 – My husband/wife and I work together to create and build the life of our dreams

64 – We overcome challenges with ease because we are open, honest, and fully supportive of one another

65 – My husband/wife and I are both unique and valued as individuals

66 – We both contribute to our relationship in positive and uplifting ways, together making our marriage stronger

Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.

Positive Affirmations For Self Love

When looking for love in relationships, or bringing more love into our lives, one of the most important things we can do is love ourselves first. These self-love affirmations will help bring focus to how amazing we are as individuals and how important self love is.

67 – I completely and deeply love and accept myself

68 – I love myself first

69 – I learn more about myself every single day

70 – I let go of my fears and embrace my future

71 – I am strong, smart, and beautiful

72 – My life is filled with abundance and joy

73 – My love life is a reflection of the love I have for myself

74 – I am the true love of my life

75 – The only approval I need in my life is my own

76 – I trust myself to choose the right direction for my life

77 – I choose to surround myself with positive and loving people

Hopefully, you’ve found some positive affirmations for love in this list that resonate with you and that you feel attracted to. Keep this list handy, save for later, or simply write down the affirmations you love and remember to create a daily habit of using your new affirmations.

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Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.
Whether you're looking to attract new romantic love into your life, reignite the flames of old love, add more spark to your relationship, or find love within, these 77 positive affirmations for love will have you covered.
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