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  1. It’s such a relief to read how the thoughts and beliefs of other people, I’m going through a happy separation right now, and this has shown me I’m right in my decision.

  2. I completely understand your decision because I too avoided facing the facts for too long. My parents were married 54 years and I had always seen them work through whatever issues they had. I just figured once you say those vows, you work through whatever issues you have. But sometimes you don’t realize until a few years down the road that you’re just not meant for each other. And you can’t force it. Having kids really complicated it for me, because I couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing them every day. But once you start modeling a toxic relationship to them every day, then it’s time to end it. You want them to see either a healthy relationship or just you, happy. It’s scary going through a breakup and divorce but sometimes the best for everyone.

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