40 Relationship Journal Prompts: Journaling For Couples
We all know how important good communication is in a relationship, but what we might not realize is that communication can take many forms. Yes, it’s the words we say, and how we say them, but we can also communicate with our spouse using body language, texting and writing to each other, and even journaling for couples.
While journaling may be something that’s often used for personal growth, answering journal questions in something such as a couple’s journal or a shared journal, can be a powerful tool for creating deeper connections in a simple way, while also exploring different ways to communicate effectively.
Creating a journaling practice together can also help make regular communication a daily habit, which is possibly the most important thing in a successful relationship.
Relationship journal prompts can be a helpful tool that can encourage you to reflect on different aspects of your relationship, open up discussions around various topics you may not have considered, and do so in a safe space, and in a way that allows for communication and connection.
Whether you’re in a long-term romantic relationship or newly dating, these journal prompts will help you reflect on your partnership and learn more about yourself and your partner.

What Is Journaling?
Put simply, journaling is recording your thoughts, feelings, emotions, or beliefs about a certain topic, as a reflection of your experiences, or as a response to journal writing prompts that can help you understand your own thoughts and own feelings.
For many people, journaling is a form of self-care. It can be a way to track your thoughts and emotions, process difficult experiences, or simply explore your creative side. There are no rules when it comes to journaling, so you can write about whatever you like.
Some people use journaling as a form of meditation, focusing on their breath and letting their thoughts flow onto the page. Others use it as a way to brainstorm ideas or work through problems.
Some people even keep multiple journals, each with its own specific purpose.
When it comes to relationships and couples journaling, it can be used as a way to communicate, to express thoughts and feelings without feeling the pressure of a face-to-face conversation, and can be a fun way to connect with each other.

How Can Journaling Help Your Relationship?
If you’re looking for a way to improve communication in your relationship or to try something different, couples journals may be a great option for you.
Journaling can help you communicate better with your partner, identify and work through conflicts, and express your love and appreciation for one another.
When you journal about your relationship, you can take the time to really reflect on what’s going well and what could be improved.
This can help you to notice and appreciate the good things more, and work constructively on the areas that need attention.
Journaling is a great way to foster a deeper connection with your partner and build a stronger, happier, and more loving relationship.
It doesn’t always have to be deeply emotional, sometimes journaling about fun topics can also be a powerful way to build connections. But it does give you a chance to take some quality time to sit and reflect on what you want to write, and what it is you want to talk (or write) about with your partner.
If you’ve ever struggled with communication in your close relationships, journaling can be a great way to ease into developing better communication habits and learning new skills and new communication styles.

Ways To Start Journaling As A Couple
One of the best parts about journaling is that it is a private recording of your thoughts and feelings, that is just for you. Somewhere you can allow your thoughts to flow without the need to edit or restrain yourself.
But what happens when you want to journal with your partner?
After all, sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings can be daunting, even with someone you love.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
1 – Find The Right Format
If you’re not sure where to start, try having separate notebooks where you answer your questions, and then, depending on what you are most comfortable with, you can exchange journals and read each other’s responses, either together or alone,
Another way you can approach this is to have one common notebook or journal that you use to answer the journaling prompts, and either answer each question, or take turns.
If writing really isn’t your strong suit, or not what you feel comfortable doing, that’s totally okay! You can still journal together!
Record videos of your answers and send them to each other (there are some great apps to help with this), create a video record of your asking these questions to each other, draw or paint a picture, or any other way to record your responses to the journal prompts below.

2 – Set Some Ground Rules
It’s important to feel safe and respected when sharing vulnerable thoughts and feelings. So take some time to discuss what you’re comfortable sharing, and what you’re not.
Once you’ve got a good understanding of each other’s boundaries, you can start journaling without worry.
Remember, sharing openly is a form of emotional intimacy and can take some time to build. You may be able to return to these journal prompts further into your relationship and find you are more open and willing to share than previously, and this is totally normal.
There is no pressure to share anything you feel uncomfortable sharing.
3 – Be Patient
It might take some time to get used to the idea of sharing your innermost thoughts with your partner. But if you’re patient and honest with each other, it’ll become easier over time.
And who knows? You might just find that journaling brings you closer together.
Read More: Journaling For Couples: How To Start A Couples Journal

40 Relationship Journal Prompts
Using journaling prompts can be a great way to start journaling, especially if you’re nervous about what to write, or unsure how to move past that blank page staring back at you.
When it comes to journaling as a couple, these prompts can serve as a great guide to help you open lines of communication.
1 – What does a healthy relationship look like?
2 – What do you think changes when you go from dating, to being engaged, to being married?
3 – Why do you think so many relationships fail?
4 – What do you think you do well in our relationship?
5 – What do you think you could do better in our relationship?

6 – What is your love language? How do you feel you resonate with it?
7 – What do I do that makes you feel loved?
8 – How do you feel you can keep your independence in our relationship? Do you feel this is important?
9 – What is something you’ve done in your life that you are incredibly proud of?
10 – What is something that has happened in your life that you wish turned out differently?
11 – When did you first realize you loved me?
12 – What do you feel intimacy looks like, both physical intimacy and non-physical?
13 – What is a big goal you have in life? What would it mean for you to achieve it?
14 – How do you deal with negative emotions and stress? Do you think this is a good way to handle these feelings? Is there anything you’d prefer to do?
15 – When was the last time you cried? Why?

16 – What is something you have shared with me that no one else knows?
17 – If we were to write a story about our relationship, what would the title be, and what would be key points in the storyline?
18 – What is a big setback you’ve experienced in your life and how did you overcome it?
19 – What does romance look like for you?
20 – What is an example of a relationship you admire or relationship qualities you want to emulate?
21 – What do you believe our roles in our relationship are? Are you happy with the dynamics of our relationship?
22 – How can I tell you’re upset? And what do you need from me when you are upset?
23 – Is there a need you have in our relationship that is not being filled? What is it and how can it be filled?
24 – What relationship goals do you have for us?
25 – Is there anything that is unforgivable in a relationship? Or are there any deal breakers for you?

26 – What does your perfect day together look like?
27 – What is something you absolutely love about yourself?
28 – What is something you absolutely love about me?
29 – What makes you feel disconnected in our relationship? How can we reconnect when this happens?
30 – What is the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you?
31 – What do you think help creates a strong relationship?
32 – Is there anything from your past relationships that you worry about repeating in our relationship?
33 – What do you feel is the best way to have difficult conversations?
34 – How important do you believe physical health is? Are you happy with your physical health right now?
35 – What are some positive things from your last relationship?

36 – What are the little things I do that make you smile?
37 – What is one of your favorite memories of our relationship so far?
38 – How important do you feel alone time is in a relationship?
39 – What are your favorite ways to show me you love me?
40 – What is one thing in our relationship that you hope stays the same for the rest of your life?
Journaling is a great way to improve communication in your relationship.
By asking each other thought-provoking questions, you can get to know one another on a deeper level and better understand what makes each other tick.
If you’re new to journaling as a couple, these prompts can serve as a great guide to help you open lines of communication and get the conversation flowing.
Over time, you’ll likely find that journaling becomes a natural part of your relationship as you learn more about one another and grow closer together.