111 Questions To Ask Your Mom (And What To Do With The Answers)
Your mom is the one who is there for you, through everything. She loves you unconditionally, she gave birth to you, raised you, and nurtured you.
As we get older, we start to see that our moms actually had a life before we were born (amazing… right…?).
Getting to know your mom, as a person and not just as ‘mom’, can be one of the most amazing experiences.
But where do you start?
The list of questions to ask your mom below has been carefully put together to help you get to know your mom on a deeper level.
They’re made up of open-ended questions, designed to encourage conversations and allow your mom to share her own personal experience, as well as a few stories from the good old days.
You don’t need to ask all of the questions, some may resonate more with you, some may not be relevant, and others you may not want to know the answers to.
Just remember, this is about your mom, her story, and getting to know her better. Take your time, talk about the answers, and enjoy your time together.

When To Ask Your Mom These Questions?
There are no rules as to when you can or should ask your mom these questions, or how you can use them as conversation starters.
However, if you do want to save this for special occasions, times like Mother’s Day, or your own birthday, are a great opportunity to get talking.
Alternatively, you can ask them anytime you want.
You could make a date of it and ask one group of questions each week or month as you get together over coffee, you could send her a text each day with a question and keep track of the answers, or you could even use them as questions to ask on a road trip or vacation together.
The possibilities are endless, but the result is always that you’ll get to know the amazing woman that is your mom, on a whole new level.

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Life
1 – What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
2 – Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
3 – What are you most proud of?
4 – What do you think is the key to a happy and fulfilling life?
5 – What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
6 – What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
7 – What is your all-time favorite memory?
8 – What are your hopes and fears for the future?
9 – What do you think of the state of the world at the moment?
10 – If you could go back and live in a particular decade, what decade would you want to live in and why?
11 – If you could relive a moment in your life again, what moment would it be and why?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Her Childhood
12 – What was your childhood like?
13 – What was your favorite childhood memory?
14 – What is your favorite family tradition? What family traditions do you hope to continue to pass down.
15 -What would you say is the biggest challenge you faced as a child?
16 – Who was your best friend growing up?
17 – What are some things you liked to do for fun as a kid?
18 – What were some of the things that scared you as a child?

19 – Where did you grow up?
20 – What was your favorite place to go as a child?
21 – Who taught you how to ride a bike/swim/etc?
22 – Do you have any siblings? If so, where do they fall in the birth order?
23 – Who was your favorite teacher and why?
24 – What are some of the things you were interested in as a child (hobbies, activities, etc)?
25 – Who was the most influential person in your childhood?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Her Teenage Years
26 – What were some of the things you struggled with as a teenager?
27 – Who was your first kiss?
28 – What did you want to be when you grew up? What was your dream job?
29 – What kind of things did you and your friends do for fun? Who were your closest friends?
30 – What kind of trouble did you get into as a teenager?
31 – What did you like and dislike about high school? What was your favorite subject?
32 – Who did you have a crush on in high school?
33 – What kind of music did you like as a teenager? What was your favorite band?
34 – What was your favorite movie and TV show as a teenager?
35 – Who was a role model to you in your teenage years?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Her 20s & 30s
36 – What was your first job? How much money did you get paid for it?
37 – What were some of the things you struggled with in your 20s and 30s?
38 – Who were some of your close friends during this time?
39 – What kinds of things did you do for fun in your 20s and 30s?
40 – Did you have any serious relationships in your early 20s?
41 – What was the best decision you made in your 20s and in your 30s?
42 – What was the worst job you’ve ever had?
43 – When did you start to actually feel like you were an adult?
44 – How did you learn to do ‘adult’ things like managing a house, paying bills, and budgeting money?
45 – Who was the most influential person in your early adult life?
46 – How did you feel about turning 20, and turning 30?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Her Relationship & Wedding
47 – How did you and dad meet?
48 – What did you do for your first date?
49 – How long were you dating before you got married?
50 – Tell me about the proposal?
51 – What was your wedding like?
52 – Who helped you plan your wedding?
53 – Who were some of your close friends and family members who were there on your big day?

54 – What are some of your favorite memories from your wedding day?
55 – What did you wear on your wedding day?
56 – What did dad wear on his wedding day?
57 – What did you do for your honeymoon?
58 – What surprised you about your wedding day?
59 – Were you living together before you were married?
60 – How did you and dad adjust to living together?
61 – Do you feel things changed after you got married? If so, how?
62 – Has anything surprised you about being married?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Being a Mom
63 – What was it like becoming a parent?
64 – Who were some of your close friends and family members who were there for you as a new parent?
65 – What was the biggest challenge you faced as a new parent? Who did you go to when you needed parenting advice?
66 – What was the best part about being a new parent and what was the hardest thing?
67 – What has been your proudest moment as a parent?
68 – What do you know about parenting now that you wish you knew back then?
69 – How do you think parenting has changed over the years?
70 – What did you want to incorporate from your own childhood and apply it to how you raised your own children?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Your Childhood & Life
71 – What is your favorite memory of me as a child?
72 – Do you have any funny stories about me as a child?
73 – What were some of your hopes and dreams for me when I was growing up?
74 – What is the best advice you ever gave me?
75 – What did you learn from your own parents and your own mother about parenthood?
76 – What are some of the important lessons and life lessons you’ve seen me learn?
77 – What is your favorite thing about me?
78 – If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Relationships & Marriage
79 – Who was your first love?
80 – What is the best and worst relationship advice you’ve ever received?
81 – What are some of the things you wish you knew about relationships before you got married?
82- What do you think are the keys to a successful marriage?
83 – What is the biggest challenge you and dad have faced in your marriage?
84 – How did you get through it?
85 – What do you love most about dad?
86 – What are some of the things that make your relationship with him so special?
87 – Do you have any advice for me when it comes to relationships and marriage?

Deep Questions To Ask Your Mom
88 – What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your life? How did you overcome them?
89 – What lessons have you learned from the bad times throughout your life?
90 – What do you think is the meaning and purpose of life?
91 – What advice would you give your younger self?
92 – If you could go back and relive one moment from your life, what would it be?
93 – What advice would you give to someone facing a difficult situation?
94 – What are your thoughts on happiness? What do you think it takes to be truly happy?
95 – What are your thoughts on love? What do you think it takes to maintain a healthy and happy relationship?
96 – How do you define success? What do you think it takes to be successful in life?
97 – What are your thoughts on failure? How do you deal with failure when it happens?
98 – Do you have any regrets in life? If so, what are they and what have you learned from them?
99 – What do you think is the most important thing to remember as we get older?
100 – What are your thoughts on change? How do you deal with change when it happens in your life?

Questions To Ask Your Mom About Her Life Now
101 – What are some of your favorite things to do now?
102 – What is your current favorite book, favorite song, and favorite place to go?
103 – What is your favorite thing about your life now?
104 – What are some of the things you struggle with now?
105 – Who are some of your close friends now?
106 – What do you like to watch on TV/movies?
107 – What is your favorite book/author?
108 – What are some of the things you’re interested in now (hobbies, activities, etc)?
109 – What is your favorite thing about getting older?
110 – What are some of the things you don’t like about getting older?
111 – What are you most looking forward to in life?

What To Do With The Answers
Before you ask your mom these questions in order to get to know her better, take a moment to consider what you might like to do with the answers.
The answers to these questions tell her story, they are her thoughts, her words, her memories, and are invaluable.
Here are some ideas of what you could do with the answers:
Make A Journal
You could create a journal, and write down your mom’s answers to these questions.
This would make for a beautiful keepsake that you can cherish for years to come.
You could then answer the same questions and pass them down to your children.

Record A Video
You could record a video of your mom answering these questions.
This would be an amazing momento to have, and you can watch it back any time you want.
There are some great journal video apps that can help you with this, or simply use your phone and add a new folder to store all the video answers from your mom in them.
Have A Conversation
You could use these questions as conversation starters, and just enjoy the moment of getting to know your mom better.
A lot of the questions in this list can be used as conversation starters for meaningful conversations and can be a great way to have some deep conversations.
Sometimes, the best moments are those that are unplanned and spontaneous.
No matter what you choose to do with the answers, just remember that they are special and that your mom is special.
And getting to know her better is a gift in itself.