Are you one of those women that secretly hate being pregnant? It's okay, you're not alone, even though it feels like it. Pregnancy just sucks for some women, it's not all happy days and pregnancy glow. And that's okay.

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  1. Congrats on the pregnancy, but I am so with you. I absolutely hated being pregnant and also wrote a blog post about it a while ago. My husband and I wanted two children, and that’s what we have. I dreaded getting pregnant with the second because I hated pregnancy so much with the first. I was really glad we got pregnant first month when we tried with the second because the sooner I got pregnant, the sooner it was over. I didn’t have anything near HG, but I was miserable, didn’t like being told what I could and couldn’t do, and did have a lot of nausea. Hang in there momma, I know it’s tough, and I totally agree with hating that I couldn’t pass it to my husband for a few days here and there! I felt so strange because most people I know rave about how much they loved being pregnant, made me feel like something was wrong with me.

  2. Hey Stephanie, I’m so glad I’m not the only one. So many people talk about how amazing pregnancy is, and I am so glad it is for them. I would never wish to take that from anyone. I just hope that people understand it isn’t this way for everyone. For some of us it’s just miserable. I don’t feel like myself and I can’t wait to just get back to me! <3

  3. Hi Krystal!
    Your post about hating pregnancy and how it’s okay hit me really hard because it’s the way I felt about my entire pregnancy and the way I still feel about it now (daughter is 18 months). I am actually terrified to think about another child because I was so miserable from the moment I found out til the moment I pushed her out. Literally, throwing up most of my labor. I spent hours each day throwing up or crawling on floor because my migraines were debilitating. I had to drive to work with bags so I could throw up In the car, had to have trash cans or mints at work so I could throw up there because hitting the bathroom ever worked. I had to stay home and locked up in room because every smell, car ride, party, movie, or activity would spark a series of intense vomit sessions. I was hospitalized several times but never it the HG status because I didn’t lose enough body weight. I was on zofran both injection and pill form and firocet for migraines. I hated my friends who had “easy pregnancies” and felt that I never bonded with my child because I was so miserable. It took me awhile after she was born to realize what I had created. I fear that the next pregnancy will be like that (even though they say everyone is different) but I don’t want to neglect my daughter if I do get as sick and miserable the 2nd time. I also feel selfish because I do not want her tonbe the only one, growing up lonely. I do look at her and think how perfect she is and how nothing in our life is easy that makes it worth anything.

  4. Thank you! I almost cried reading this. I have no actual condition that makes pregnancy worse for me, it just sucks in a normal way. I also can identify with feeling exhausted, only being able to get up long enough to eat carbs, and then feeling guilty for eating said carbs. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. This article was everything I felt and wish I could have read in my first pregnancy. I had mild undiagnosed HG. Miserable and sick enough to hate my pregnancy but not sick enough for anyone outside of my close circle to really get it! I’m in my second pregnancy now and so much sicker. More people get why I’m so miserable but pregnancy still sucks! Thank you for your words!

  6. Such a great and honest article. I’m 14 weeks and have had quite the time myself. Sick everyday, all day. More exhausted then I knew was even possible. I’m a shell of myself. Already can’t sit, stand or even sleep well and starting to experience Round Ligament Pain, which until nervously searched on Pinterest I had no idea even existed!

    People are not honest about how pregnancy can feel like, they focus on the good parts and skew what the rest of us this we are supposed to think and feel. I wanted nothing more then to get pregnant and start a family and was thrilled when it happened. The experience has been much harder than I ever would have imagined and I often break down wondering how I can go another day, much less another 5 months. Just getting through each day is a real challenge.

    Reading that I’m not the only person not enjoying pregnancy is very helpful and encouraging because I’ve been feeling like something is wrong with me.

  7. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you Summer! For some of us, pregnancy straight up sucks. On the positive side, I found that I felt really good with post-birth recovery because it felt easier than being pregnant! 🙂

    You’ve just been through some of the hardest time of pregnancy too – 8 – 10 weeks is the worst for sickness… I hope you start to feel more of yourself and less like a shell.

    My second pregnancy was made so much better (despite being sicker than the first) because I had a private Midwife – someone who would listen, help and was in my corner the whole time. Maybe that’s something you could consider. Also, check out The Empowered Mama Project ( – we talk A LOT about the realities of pregnancy and help empower women through their pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

    You’re not alone lovely, you are never alone! <3

  8. I really needed to read this today. I’m struggling so much right now with my first pregnancy and it feels so defeating. What I’m mostly scared for is the labor and birth. There are times I just don’t think I’ll survive. It has skyrocketed my anxiety and driven a wedge between my husband and I. He is so excited, which I understand, but he’s has no idea what it is doing to me. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in thinking that this whole pregnancy thing totally blows.

  9. Really needed to read this today! Thanks! Everyone I know breezes through pregnancy and says how much they love it. They look at me like I’m crazy when I say I’m not enjoying it. I just needed this reminder that I’m not the only one feeling miserable and wondering how to get through the next 14 weeks when I can hardly walk due to back and pelvic pain let alone chase after a 20 month old etc etc! Yes I’m very grateful I’m able to grow a second beautiful baby and yes parts of it are wonderful, but that doesn’t cancel out the fact that the majority of the time it really sucks, EVERYTHING hurts, and I want it to just be over with!!
    Anyway…just wanted to say I’m glad I found this today ☺️

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