7 Things Every Happy Woman Does
Achieving happiness is something that most people strive for in life. However, happiness can be a subjective concept, and what makes one person happy may not work for someone else.
If you’re looking for the definitive key to happiness, we, unfortunately, can’t give you that.
That being said, there are some things that every woman can do to make themselves happier.
By incorporating these habits into your own life, you may be able to increase your overall happiness and well-being.
If you’re looking to be happier, consider incorporating these things every happy woman does in your daily life.
1 – Happy Women Love Themselves First
While you can definitely love someone else without loving yourself, you deserve just as much love as you give. As famously said in The Fault in Our Stars, “we accept the love we think we deserve.”
Happy women understand that loving yourself is paramount to achieving overall happiness. It’s important to recognize your worth and treat yourself with kindness and respect.
There are a few ways you can make yourself feel deserving of self-love.
Create a physical list of reasons you should love yourself, and add to it every day. Remind yourself of the items on this list, and they just might feel true!
Another way to practice self-love is by engaging in activities or hobbies that bring you joy.
That could include anything from gardening, playing an instrument, reading a book, painting, or any other hobby that brings you joy and makes you happy.
And finally, take note of the words you use to describe yourself, and how you speak about yourself.
The words you use have power, and it’s important to speak kindly and compassionately to yourself (including your inner monologue).
If you struggle with self-compassion, invest in good books on loving yourself, or listen to podcasts, watch TED Talks or YouTube videos. It’s worth the time!
2 – Happy Women Do Not Let Their Mistakes Consume Them
There’s a difference between shame and guilt. Guilt is the feeling that your actions were wrong, but shame is believing that you are wrong as a person because of your mistakes.
Our mistakes do not define us, so long as we admit that they were mistakes and learn from them. We will never be perfect, so it’s not practical to strive for it.
Happy women understand that mistakes are part of life, and they don’t let their mistakes consume them.
Mistakes can be discouraging and embarrassing, but it’s important to realize that everyone makes mistakes—happy women do not let these moments define them.
Instead, they use them as an opportunity to learn, grow, and become better people.
For those still striving to be perfect, let Brene Brown become your new best friend. She’s the goddess of self-help and self-compassion.
3 – Happy Women Don’t Live by Others’ Expectations
Far too many people live their lives based on how other people want them to exist. That’s simply not fair.
Don’t have kids just because your parents want grandkids.
Don’t stay hidden because of fear of rejection – your people, those who will love you for who you are, as you are.
Happy women live their lives by their rules, and will probably live with fewer regrets.
We’ve all had moments where we have adjusted ourselves, toned ourselves down, or modified what we wanted to do to appease someone else.
But happy women understand that they are in control of their own lives, and that nobody should make decisions for them.
Choose the life you want to live, whether or not it meets other people’s expectations. You can still be a kind person—just don’t let other people’s opinions determine your actions or dictate your life.
If letting others down is a fear for you, explore codependency and ways to focus on your own happiness.
4 – Happy Women Find Work-Life Co-Existence
Whether your work is in the home or out in the workforce, you need a relationship between work and play.
Happy women can enjoy both. With 48% of millennial women feeling like they lack a work-life balance, it’s easy to see how women can become overworked. Make sure you’re leaving enough room for relaxation, relationships, and friends.
While we might be chasing the idea of a work-life balance, I don’t believe it actually exists.
Instead find a co-existence, or a relationship, or a harmony between the two.
A balance indicates that everything is as it should be, perfectly balanced at all times. But that’s not how life actually works.
Happy women understand that sometimes work is more demanding and therefore the life part of the equation is a little neglected.
With that being said, she also knows that, as in any relationship, there will be times when her work isn’t so demanding and she can focus a bit more on the life side of things.
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5 – Happy Women Seek Help
We’re not superwomen – we can’t do it all alone! One of the worst things a woman (or anyone) can do is feel like they have to do everything alone.
We all stumble and make mistakes, so it’s important that happy women accept help when they need it.
This could mean seeking a therapist or counselor, joining a support group, or even just talking to friends who are willing to listen. The more we talk about our struggles, the easier it will be to tackle them.
Happy women understand the importance of seeking help, and they know that developing a positive mindset isn’t something that can be attained on their own.
By being open to suggestions and advice, we’re allowing ourselves to get better – both mentally and physically.
It takes strength to reach out for help, but it’s the only way to get through difficult times.
Remember that you are not alone, and reaching out is a surefire way to make your life better! Everyone deserves happiness in their lives, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
That’s why happy women are so successful – because they understand that life can be hard, and sometimes a little help is all we need!
We all have something to offer, whether it’s advice, encouragement or just a listening ear. So don’t be afraid to reach out. You never know what wonderful things could come of it.
6 – Happy Women Give Each Other Compliments
The world can be a harsh place, so why not pay it forward by celebrating each other’s successes?
Happy women know that a thoughtful compliment can go a long way.
When we stop to recognize someone’s accomplishments or admire their style, it helps us to remember that we’re all connected in some way. It’s a reminder that we are all in this together.
By taking the time to recognize each other and offer kind words, we can help build self-esteem and confidence.
Whether you’re complimenting a stranger or a close friend, make sure it’s genuine. Everyone loves feeling appreciated!
We all need a little bit of love and support to get through hard times. So let’s start lifting each other up – it could make the world a better place.
Happy women understand that kind words have the power to bring light into someone’s life, so don’t forget to spread some sunshine! It could be just what someone needs to get through the day.
So next time you’re out and about, take a moment to recognize and appreciate the beauty in others. I guarantee it will make you feel even better!
7 – Happy Women Find Ways to Stay Grateful
Happy women always find ways to be grateful, even when things don’t go their way.
Being thankful for the little things – like a warm cup of coffee in the morning or an unexpected compliment – can help put everything into perspective.
Rather than focusing on what didn’t work out, happy women recognize that there is always something to be grateful for – even if it’s just the fact that they made it through the day.
They also understand that everyone has their own struggles, so they don’t compare themselves to others. Instead, they focus on what makes them unique and special.
Gratitude isn’t something we can always feel, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re having a bad day. Simply take a moment to think about the people and things in your life that make it worth living.
Happy women know that being thankful is one of the best ways to stay positive. So take time out of your day to reflect on all of the things you’re grateful for – it can be a great way to lift your spirits!
No matter how difficult things may seem, remember that you have so much to be thankful for. That’s the key to happiness!
Final Thoughts
Happy women understand that happiness isn’t always easy to achieve, but they make it a priority in their lives.
They recognize the importance of self-care and don’t hesitate to ask for help when they need it. They also make an effort to give compliments, because they know that kind words can bring light into someone’s life.
And finally, they’re always finding ways to stay grateful – no matter what the situation is.
So if you want to be a happy woman, take these tips and make them part of your daily routine. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results! Good luck on your journey!