9 Ways You Can Boost Your Self-Confidence Today
Self confidence is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. You don’t just automatically have it – which means you need to work on your self confidence every day.
Here are 9 ways you can boost your self-confidence today, and feel good:
1 – Smile
Whether it’s a real smile or a fake smile, smiling has been shown to increase your serotonin levels (the neurotransmitter that is responsible for all those happy feelings) and decrease cortisol (the stress hormone).
And here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter if it’s a real smile or if you’re faking a big cheesy grin. They both have the same effect.
2 – Dress To Impress (Yourself)
What you wear has a significant impact on how you feel. You don’t need to go dressing to impress anyone other than yourself, but you should try and impress yourself.
Wear the clothes you love and that make you feel good. Be confident in what you’re wearing and wear clothes that flatter your shape and in colors that you love and feel good in.

3 – Focus On Your Amazing Qualities
People are so quick to point out their flaws but are far less likely to shout out their awesomeness from the rooftops. Instead of focusing on the things you don’t like about yourself, focus on the things that you do.
Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how much you love your eyes, your freckles, the way your mouth curves up more on one side when you smile, the way your stretch marks on your stomach remind you of the life you carried…
Remember to pay attention to your amazing personality traits too, not just your physical awesomeness.
4 – Move Your Body
When we exercise, our body releases endorphins which make us feel good. When we feel good, we start to increase our confidence and increase our happiness.
Get outdoors (sunshine works wonders for our mood) and move your body. Stretch, flex and show off what your body is capable of doing.

5 – Make Time For Self Care
Self-care has been considered selfish for far too long, but selfish isn’t a bad thing, and a little selfishness can go a long way to boosting your own self confidence and happiness levels.
Take some time to do what it is you love, connect with the inner you and find out what it is that makes you happy. So many people (especially moms) don’t actually know what it is that makes them happy outside of being a ‘mom’.
Make time for self care like you would any other appointment and do the things that make you feel fantastic about yourself.
6 – Kill The Comparison
You’ve heard that comparison is the thief of joy? Well, it’s also the thief of self confidence.
Take a scroll through Instagram and you’ll see why it’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. But guess what? It’s all fake. The filters, the set ups, the ‘happy families’. Sure, there’s smiles and probably some truth behind it, but that truth has often been stretched so far that it’s wrapped up in a story instead of reality.
Stop comparing yourself to others. To the girl next door, to the mom at soccer, to your sister, your friends, your family… to anyone other than you, five minutes ago.

7 – Understand You’re Not Alone
Self-doubt can leave you feeling like you’re the only person who has ever felt this way before. Logically, you know it’s not true. But the mind is powerful, especially when you are feeling vulnerable.
Confidence can also come when you realise you’re not alone. When you find out that there are other women who have faced the same struggles as you, who feel the same as you and who walk the same path as you.
You are not alone. Find your tribe and be confident in who you are.
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8 – Speak Positively About Yourself
Your words are incredibly powerful, especially the ones you use to speak about yourself.
The way you speak about yourself sets the standard for how you allow others to speak of you, and is a great indicator for how you expect to be treated, by yourself and others.
You deserve amazing, so make sure you speak amazingly about yourself.
Stop putting yourself down, stop focusing on the negative, and start using positive words to describe yourself. You will be amazed at the massive difference this can have.

9 – Forget Perfection – Aim For Progress
Despite so many people always striving for it, perfection doesn’t actually exist. Stop aiming for something that isn’t real, because you’ll only disappoint yourself. Instead, aim for progress.
Aim to be a better version of yourself each and every day. Somedays you’ll move forward, other days you’ll feel stagnant, and some days you’ll slip back a little. But always aim to be moving towards the version of yourself you want to be.
The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you, and creating progress to be the person you want to be is the best boost in self confidence.