You don't exactly plan your marriage to include 'divorce' at the end. But around half the people who get married, get divorced. These are some of the things I wish I knew before I got a divorce, they may not have been able to save my marriage, but they would have made me feel more confident during and after my divorce.

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  1. Thank you for this! My husband and I recently separated and have two teenage girls. I’m in the middle of the storm and some days feel like I can’t get out of bed…even with my support system. Most days are okay, and others just hit me like a tidal wave of grief and I lose all hope in reconciliation. I’m hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Your advice and experience is appreciated.

  2. Thank you for this. Your words are reassuring that it’s okay to think about my self sometimes, especially now.

  3. I really needed to read this tonight. I’m 26 and this week has been *the week* of realizing my marriage to my high school sweetheart isn’t going to work. I feel lost. I’m glad I’m not the only one

  4. My heart is breaking. Mt husband left me before we got married while we were dating, i was 24. He came back begged my forgiveness and promised he wouldn’t do it again, he loved me he said.
    Did he do it again? Yes! Last year when I was 46, I am 47 now, this Wednesday will make it one year, he seems happy with his girlfriend and i am shattered trying to be syrong for my girls age 20 and 8.
    I gain strength daily, and appreciate the words shared. I too am glad I am not the only one, I am encouraged. Thank you.

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