How To Start Waking Up At 5am (And Why You Should)
The thought of rising early (sometimes before the sun is even up) may make many people want to hide under to covers and dream about coffee.
But it’s no secret that getting up early, like waking up at 5am, is highly beneficial to your health and wellbeing.
So, what is it about waking up so early that has people singing praises, and how do you get in on the action?
Why You Should Wake Up Early
There have been a number of studies that have correlated early rising with success, but it’s not just science that shows us waking up early is beneficial.
Many people who wake up early report higher levels of positivity and achievement and some people have gone so far as to say that waking up at 5am has changed their lives.
These are all fantastic things to hear, but why should you wake up early?

1 – More Organized
It’s not hard to see how getting up a little earlier can help you to become more organised.
With a little extra time to either plan your day or get things done, an early morning start could be just the thing you need to become a super organized person.
If you want to capitalize on this, spend your time of a morning creating a to do list or planning your day so you know what’s happening and when.
2 – Positive Start To The Day
What could be more positive to start your day than watching the sunrise and seeing it break way to a fresh, new day?
Other than that, those who did rise early reported far more positivity and happiness levels. Winning.
If you want to kick off your day in a mega positive way, start with gratitude or meditation.

3 – More Productive
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of ticking off your to do list and an early start to the day may be your secret weapon to getting it done.
What could you do with an extra hour or two in your day? That’s what a 5am start could give you!
Use this time to tackle a long term goal you’ve wanted to achieve.
Want to work out more or write a book, this is the perfect time!
4 – More Time For Self Care
You hear time and time again that self care is so important and that you need to fill your cup.
But when does anyone have time for that? At 5am! That’s when!
Use your early morning start for self care.
Whether it’s in the form of exercise, or a nice hearty breakfast, journalling, or even just reading a book and drinking coffee.
Whatever self care is for you, you’ll have more time for it when you start your day off early.

5 – Enjoy The Quiet Time
Do you have a house full of kids and are mornings complete chaos?
Or perhaps your phone starts going off early with all the tasks waiting for you at work?
Early mornings, just before the sun rises, are these blissful moments filled with peace.
They’re quieter, with less distractions and less ‘buzz’.
Wake up earlier to enjoy the quiet time and focus on you.
How To Start Waking Up At 5am
So, you’re convinced you need to start waking up earlier, but how do you do it?
If you’re the kind of person who has hated early morning wake ups and sleep ins til noon have been your forte then you’re probably not going to be able to just set your alarm early and hope for the best.
Give these steps a go to help you get to your 5am wake up wonder:

1 – Have A Good Reason To Get Up Early
Waking up early isn’t going to magically make you more healthy or turn your day into a productivity powerhouse.
What makes waking up early so beneficial is having good motivation to do so.
Simply knowing that getting up early is a good thing isn’t motivation enough.
Give yourself a reward for getting up early, like a freshly brewed coffee, or remind yourself of how much extra work you could get done, or how much more organized you will be for the day.
2 – Start In Small Increments
Going from regular 9am get ups to 5am wake ups isn’t going to be an easy feat. Instead of going all out in one swift move, try gradually setting your alarm for earlier times.
Depending on how well you are adjusting, you could set you alarm for 30 minutes earlier each week until you’ve reached your 5am goal.
Maybe you want to get up even earlier than that! 5am isn’t set in stone, it’s just a benchmark to work off.

3 – Use A Routine
Routine is your best friend when you’re getting up early.
Don’t cloud your morning by having to make a whole heap of decisions.
Instead, create a routine and stick with it so you can get the most out of your early morning rises.
Perhaps your routine includes drinking a coffee, reading the paper, going for a walk, exercise, watching the sunrise… whatever it is, create a routine that works for you and helps you achieve your goals and stick with it.
4 – Go To Bed Earlier
Getting up earlier isn’t an excuse to get less sleep.
You still need to make sure you’re reaching your sleep needs and this might mean you need to go to bed earlier.
If you’re the kind of person who needs the recommended 8 hours sleep a night, this means you need to be asleep by 9pm.
Some people work better on less sleep and some need more.
Work out what is best for you and make it part of your routine.
Whatever your motivation is, give early morning wake ups a go and see how much better you feel because of it.