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Guilt Free Healthy Chocolate Mousse

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As far as indulgent desserts go, this one has to top the list. Not only is it mega delicious, but it’s paleo, primal, keto friendly, vegan, raw friendly and contains tons of healthy fats and goodness. Ummm… yes please!

So, a little while ago, after my son was born, we went pretty hardcore paleo. Not because we thought that paleo was the key to everything or because we follow any particular diet, but mainly because it made sense to us. It was easy and fit with our lifestyle. Plus after finding out that my son and I were both lactose intolerant (did you know that pregnancy induced lactose intolerance is a thing??) it also made it easy to find recipes where no dairy was used.

I had been moving towards more of a paleo style diet during my pregnancy, but with cravings running rife I didn’t prevent myself from eating anything in particular. I just made sure that when I could handle it, I chose the healthier option.

Anyway, both my husband and I had previously been massive fans of chocolate mousse. I particularly liked the ones with little chocolate bits scattered throughout – you know the ones, they also happen to be super high in sugar and full of dairy. Major no no for me.

So I needed to find a substitute.

I had tried various avocado chocolate mousse recipes but the avocado flavour was just too strong for me. And I love avocado. So I created my own version.

This recipe is packed full of good healthy fats, amazing for a pregnant or breastfeeding mama. It also has a ton of iron in it from the cacao, which is essential for women.

There's no need to avoid indulging in sweet treats when trying to eat healthily. This amazing guilt free, healthy chocolate mousse has you covered. Chocolate | Chocolate Recipe | Chocolate Dessert | Chocolate Treat | Raw Dessert | Paleo Dessert | Healthy Dessert | Vegan Dessert | Vegan Recipe | Raw Recipe | Healthy Recipe | Healthy Chocolate | Avocado Mousse | Paleo Mousse | Vegan Mousse | Keto Recipe | Keto Desserts | LCHF

The thing I love about the recipe is that it ticks pretty much every box. If you want to make it more keto friendly you can substitute the sweetener for your preferred one. If you want to make it raw, omit the rice malt syrup and just use dates. You can even make it more chocolatey if you prefer your chocolate rich or less if you need it a little less bitter.

I even made it into a mousse cake (yeah that recipe is coming soon too) for my brothers birthday and didn’t tell him it was healthy or had avocado in it. He loved it! And went back for more.

It could also be used for babies as it doesn’t use any honey (children under 12 months shouldn’t have honey) and as I said, is full of awesome and healthy fats for brain development.

Hot Tip – I always keep 3 – 4 cans of coconut cream in the fridge at any time so I can use the thick part of the cream to make delicious treats like this or coconut whipped cream. Once the can has cooled sufficiently (some take 24 hours, others a few days) you can open the can and see the separation between the thick part of the coconut cream and the coconut water. Some cans separate better than others.

Yum! Enjoy!

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There's no need to avoid indulging in sweet treats when trying to eat healthily. This amazing guilt free, healthy chocolate mousse has you covered. Chocolate | Chocolate Recipe | Chocolate Dessert | Chocolate Treat | Raw Dessert | Paleo Dessert | Healthy Dessert | Vegan Dessert | Vegan Recipe | Raw Recipe | Healthy Recipe | Healthy Chocolate | Avocado Mousse | Paleo Mousse | Vegan Mousse | Keto Recipe | Keto Desserts | LCHF
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