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The Best Healthy Summer Green Smoothie Recipe

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I don’t know about you but I loooooove green smoothies. And chances are if you’re reading this, you either love them yourself or you’re looking for inspiration and ways to love them. Which is awesome as they are so darn healthy, easy to make and can be super tasty. Especially this summer green smoothie recipe (if I do say so myself).

It’s taken me a little while to find the right balance with smoothies. I know a lot of people swear by putting a ton of veggies in their smoothies, and that is fantastic for them and obviously a whole heap healthier.

But I found when I added too many veggies I wasn’t as excited about drinking them and therefore wouldn’t drink as many… And if you’re not drinking them then it doesn’t matter how many veggies you put in because you’re not getting the nutrients.

Thankfully, I quite like eating my veggies, so I stick to really simple smoothies.

My green smoothies usually have simple ingredients with the veggies either being spinach, kale or broccoli stem. Fruits vary depending on the season.

I find the simpler the better, less ingredients mean they are easier to make, so I try to stick with less than 5 ingredients per smoothie.

This summer green smoothie is a little on the sweeter side, with mango and passionfruit being added. This makes it great for those hot summer days and it means your kids will love it too!

Want to know the health kick you’re getting with this smoothie?


While mango is on the higher end when it comes to sugar content in fruit, this smoothie doesn’t call for any added honey or sweetener so this is where the main ‘sweet’ flavour for this smoothie comes from.

Mango has been found to have antioxidants that help prevent cancer as well as having good doses of Vitamins C, A B and E. Eating mangoes can help with skin sensitivities and give you a lovely healthy glow as well as boosting your immune system. Plus they are super tasty.

Green Smoothie | Healthy Smoothie | Fruit Smoothie | Healthy | Women's Health | Green Smoothie Inspiration | Smoothie Recipe | Breakfast Smoothie | Summer Smoothie | Green Smoothie Recipe


Rich in Vitamins C and A and packed with fibre, these little tasty fruits may be small but they are mighty. Seriously one of my most favourite fruits to add to just about anything and perfect to give a summer feel to any drink or dessert, just a small amount of passionfruit can totally transform this smoothie.

Again, like mango, passionfruit helps your body keep a healthy immune system, helps to reduce inflammation and aid digestion.

Chia Seeds

These weird little seeds have been given a lot of air time lately and for good reason. They are full of goodness and if you blitz them in a smoothie like this, they don’t get caught in your teeth like they tend to when you have them as part of a pudding. Win!

As far as health benefits go, these little seeds a full of Omega 3 fatty acids, making them awesome for women in pregnancy, and great for anyone else. Especially if you find you don’t get enough fish in your diet. They are also high in fibre, aiding with digestion and gut health.

Green Smoothie | Healthy Smoothie | Fruit Smoothie | Healthy | Women's Health | Green Smoothie Inspiration | Smoothie Recipe | Breakfast Smoothie | Summer Smoothie | Green Smoothie Recipe


We all know spinach is good for us and is jam packed with goodness. Too much to list out. But the main points are that it has a good dose of Vitamins A, K, B2 and C as well as having magnesium, iron, calcium, folate and potassium… just to name a few. Plus it gives the smoothie the awesome green colour and has a minimal taste!

Coconut Water

I always use coconut water in my smoothies rather than regular water as I love the taste and the extra health benefits it gives. Coconut water has more potassium than a sports drink and has naturally occurring magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium too. It’s awesome for hydration and many people find it more palatable to drink rather than just plain water. Many breastfeeding mums also swear by it and those suffering from hangovers say it’s a brilliant ‘cure’. It’s super refreshing in summer too!

Green smoothies are great any time of year, but this summer green smoothie recipe just screams tropical goodness! Plus it's a super healthy smoothie too! Green Smoothie | Healthy Smoothie | Fruit Smoothie | Healthy | Women's Health | Green Smoothie Inspiration | Smoothie Recipe | Breakfast Smoothie | Summer Smoothie | Green Smoothie Recipe


Here’s how you can make this super refreshing summer smoothie at home.

[yumprint-recipe id=’2′]Green smoothies are great any time of year, but this summer green smoothie recipe just screams tropical goodness! Plus it's a super healthy smoothie too! Green Smoothie | Healthy Smoothie | Fruit Smoothie | Healthy | Women's Health | Green Smoothie Inspiration | Smoothie Recipe | Breakfast Smoothie | Summer Smoothie | Green Smoothie Recipe


Sunday 14th of April 2019

At first I thought, this must be kiwi juice. Today I bought mangoes to make this smoothie.

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