Daily Journal Prompts – 365 Days of Writing Prompts To Keep You Inspired (Free PDF)
If you’re like most people, you probably have a love-hate relationship with journaling.
You know it’s good for you. You know it can be beneficial in so many ways. But at the same time, it can feel like a bore, or like just another thing on your to-do list.
Maybe you’ve tried to keep a journal before, but you only did it for a few days or weeks before getting lazy and giving up.
Or maybe you’ve never tried journaling at all because you just can’t see how it could possibly help you in any way.
If you want to tap into the powerful tool that is journal writing, then this article is for you (be sure to grab the printable list of daily journal prompts at the end of this article too!).
Why You Should Journal Daily (The Benefits Of Journaling)
There are countless benefits to journaling on a regular basis.
For starters, it gives you a chance to process your thoughts and feelings about what’s going on in your life (including those negative thoughts we try to hide from).
It allows you to work through your problems in a healthy and constructive way, without bottling everything up inside.
Journaling can also help boost your mood and improve your mental health.
According to one study, people who wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings for 20 minutes three times per week over the course of three months felt better and reported fewer symptoms of illness than those who didn’t write in their journals.
In addition to its mental health benefits, journaling can also improve your physical health.
One study found that people with arthritis who wrote about their feelings had less pain and swelling in their joints than those who didn’t write in their journals.
Journaling can also help reduce stress levels, which can have all kinds of positive effects on your physical health—including reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.
And if all of that isn’t enough to convince you, consider this: journaling is also a great way to help boost your productivity and creativity, while improving your memory and cognitive skills.
Not too shabby for something that simply involves putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard – but pen to paper has bonus benefits).
You might also like – 9 Benefits Of Journaling Every Day
How To Start Journaling Daily
Now that we’ve looked at some of the benefits of journaling, let’s talk about creating a daily journaling habit that sticks.
Before you start, you may want to grab yourself a new journal to use to help encourage you to stick with your new habit. There are so many beautiful journals out there to choose from, or you can even grab printable journal pages too.
Once that’s done, the first step is to find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted or distracted—somewhere you can really focus on what you’re writing about.
While one of my favorite places to write is the local cafe, it’s not possible for me to get there every day (how good would that be…) so I sit on my back deck to write.
Once you’ve found your spot, set aside some time each day for journaling—even if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes.
If possible, try to write at the same time each day so that journaling becomes part of your daily routine.
While it can be easy to get caught up on when the best time to write is, the most important thing is that you work what time works for you.
Some people love writing their morning pages while drinking their first coffee of the day, and others find it’s a good idea for them to write at the end of the day before they go to sleep.
The best way is whatever way works for you.
As far as what to write about, there are no rules—just let whatever comes into your head flow onto the page (or screen).
Don’t worry about spelling or grammar; this is not an exercise in proper writing technique.
Just let whatever thoughts or feelings come into your mind flow out through your fingers onto the page (or screen).
Trust me, once you get started, it’ll be easier than you think—and before long, journaling will become a daily habit that feels natural and effortless.
You might also like – 9 Benefits Of Journaling Every Day
Why Use Journal Prompts?
When you’re staring at a blank page, wondering what on earth you’re going to write for your journal entry today, it can be easy to get frustrated and quickly let go of your new journaling practice.
Using journal prompts, or creative writing prompts (like the ones below) can be a great source of inspriation and can give you a whole heap of new ideas of things to write about.
Daily writing prompts can also help you to focus in on a specific topic, and can be a challenge, especially when the topic is something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Below we have a daily journal prompt for you for each day of the year.
One Year Of Daily Journal Prompts (365 Journal Prompts)
Use this list of daily journaling questions to avoid staring at a blank page, and to challenge your journaling practice.
You can start at the top and work your way through, pick out a random number and answer the prompt that corresponds with it, or simply choose a prompt from the list.
Grab your copy of our printable pdf version of the 365 Daily Journal Prompts:
1 – What is the biggest goal you want to achieve this year and what does achieving it mean to you?
2 – What do you need to forgive yourself for?
3 – What words come to mind when you think about yourself?
4 – How do you manage your stress?
5 – Do you feel this is a healthy way to manage it?
6 – What is your earliest happy memory?
7 – How do you feel about the relationships you have with your family?
8 – What is something that makes you feel calm and at peace?
9 – What does your dream day look like?
10 – Describe the kind of people you’d like to surround yourself with.
11 – What is one word you would like to stop saying?
12 – What is one thing you would/could change in your life to make you happier?
13 – Would you prefer fewer friends with deeper connections, or a wider variety of friendships?
14 – Describe your happy place. Where in the world do you feel most happy and at peace?
15 – Do you believe you’ll achieve your goals?
16 – What are some good habits you’d like to have? How can you start these habits?
17 – What is the least helpful piece of money advice you’ve ever been given?
18 – What traditions from your family do you want to continue with your own family?
19 – Which of your family members are you closest to and why?
20 – What do you want your children to be proud of you for?
21 – Do you feel confident saying ‘no’ when you want to?
22 – What is a fond memory you have of your childhood?
23 – What will it mean for you when you are living your dream life?
24 – What are you most grateful for in your life right now?
25 – When I think about my perfect day, it looks like…
26 – What emotions do you feel right now? Why?
27 – When I leave this life, I want my legacy to be…
28 – What does it look like to not have enough money?
29 – When was the last time you felt like someone understood you?
30 – What is something you could live without that other people might find difficult?
31 – How do you feel about your life right now?
32 – What are 3 simple things that bring you the most amount of joy?
33 – Would you rather spend a month on an island or a month in the jungle? Why?
34 – When do you feel most at peace?
35 – What are your current financial goals?
36 – What is your favorite thing about your family?
37 – What is one of your big life goals?
38 – What is your biggest motivator?
39 – When you hear the words ‘self-care’ what do you think?
40 – Who taught you about money?
41 – What is a belief you have that you feel limits you from achieving your dream life?
42 – What is your favorite thing about yourself?
43 – I believe in myself because…
44 – What did you want to be when you grow up? Is this still something you want?
45 – How do you like to be shown that you are loved?
46 – If you could spend a whole day doing just one thing, what would it be and why?
47 – If you could eliminate one stress from your life, what would that be and what would your life look like without it?
48 – Who was your best friend when you were growing up? Who is your best friend now?
49 – Are there any boundaries you need to establish in your life? What do these look like and how will they help you?
50 – If you had to switch lives with one of your friends, who would you switch with and why?
51 – What do you want your life to look like in 5 years?
52 – What do you believe is your strongest quality?
53 – What is something about your family that surprises you?
54 – List 10 positive things in your life right now and why you are grateful for them.
55 – What is the earliest memory you have of money?
56 – How do you feel about the amount of time you get to spend with your partner, friends, and family at the moment?
57 – Where were you 10 years ago? What were you doing? Were you happy with your life?
58 – Do you feel like your body is strong right now?
59 – Describe a skill you’d like to learn and what you want to do with that skill.
60 – What would your life look like if you didn’t have to worry about money?
61 – What is your favorite song? What lyrics stick in your mind and what do they mean to you?
62 – What is more important to you: What you do in life? Or who you do it with?
63 – Write a letter of gratitude to someone who has had a big impact on your life but they may not have realized it.
64 – Describe a time you went out of your comfort zone but you’re so glad you did.
65 – What fictional character do you most relate to and why?
66 – Describe your life as a movie – who would play the lead roles? What would the main plot be?
67 – How do you express love?
68 – What legacy do you want your life to have?
69 – If you could give your younger self just one piece of advice, what would it be?
70 – Describe a time when you felt absolute confidence.
71 – Do you feel like it is safe for you to feel your emotions?
72 – Write a list of positive affirmations about yourself.
73 – Describe a day in your life when you felt rich and abundant.
74 – What has been one of your biggest achievements in the last year?
75 – If you could give one message to the entire world, what would it be?
76 – Do you feel worthy of an abundance of money?
77 – Write about a time when you showed true grit. What lessons did you learn?
78 – What is something you feel very strongly about?
79 – Describe something about your parent’s relationship that you admire.
80 – If I had enough money, I would no longer…
81 – Who do you feel is the lead decision-maker in your life?
82 – What is one way you’d like to grow in the next year?
83 – The biggest priorities in my life right now are…
84 – When you see your friends, do you feel energized or drained afterward?
85 – If you were to write a fiction book, what would it be about?
86 – Set a timer for 10 minutes and write every thought that comes to mind.
87 – Describe how you’re feeling right now.
88 – When you hold money in your hand, how do you feel?
89 – Are you happy with how your relationship is working at the moment?
90 – What has been one of the biggest life lessons you’ve learned in the last year?
91 – What have you worried about lately that turned out to be less worrisome than it originally felt?
92 – What is the best gift you have ever been given? Who gave it to you and what was it for?
93 – Write a short story about your life.
94 – If I could change one thing about how I feel about myself it would be…
95 – How do you motivate yourself to do something you’re not overly excited to do?
96 – What emotions are you feeling at the moment?
97 – My current self-care mantra is…
98 – If you were to open a door right now and it would transport you somewhere, where would that ‘somewhere’ be?
99 – When I wake up in the morning, I wish I could just…
100 – Do you want to change your current financial situation? Why?
101 – What is something you’d like to manifest in your life right now?
102 – Do you feel like you have the right people around you to support you and help you achieve your goals?
103 – When I feel disconnected from myself, I can reconnect by…
104 – If you could change one thing in the world right now what would it be?
105 – What is challenging you the most in life right now?
106 – What is something you can do each day to bring more joy into your life?
107 – Describe the kind of person you aspire to be.
108 – Is it possible to have too much money?
109 – If you were to describe your soul mate, your ‘perfect’ person, what would they be like?
110 – Describe the first time you felt you were in love.
111 – Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
112 – What area of your life do you feel you need to improve?
113 – How do you make yourself feel better when you’re disappointed or feeling down?
114 – What is the biggest money lesson you’ve learned?
115 – What are your ‘deal breakers’ in a relationship?
116 – Write about a time when you showed resilience. How does it make you feel now?
117 – How do you feel about the present moment? About your life, right now, today?
118 – When it comes to your mental health, what are you most grateful for?
119 – When it comes to your physical health, what are you most grateful for?
120 – Would you rather go back in time and talk to your ancestors or go into the future and talk to your descendants?
121 – What does self-love mean to you?
122 – What’s one thing you absolutely love about yourself?
123 – Do you think you should feel happy all the time? Do you think this is possible?
124 – What is something that made you smile today?
125 – What is your next step toward achieving the goal you’re currently working on?
126 – If you were given the power to change one thing in the world right now, what would it be and why?
127 – What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
128 – What is your favorite character in a book, movie, or TV show and why?
129 – When my ‘cup’ is empty, I feel…
130 – Do you believe there is an endless supply of money?
131 – I can set boundaries in my life and protect my energy by…
132 – I am motivated by…
133 – Describe someone who inspires you.
134 – What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever eaten?
135 – How do you feel about the world as a whole right now?
136 – What has been the biggest thing that has been stopping you from achieving your goals?
137 – What is something you’ve changed in the past year that has had a positive effect on your life?
138 – What is a small thing that may seem insignificant but is something that you are incredibly grateful for?
139 – What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in the last year?
140 – What has been a big win for you lately?
141 – What are your top needs in a relationship?
142 – Describe what you need in order to recharge when you feel completely drained.
143 – What is something you experienced that, at the time, didn’t seem like a big deal, but now looking back was actually quite life-changing?
144 – What are some boundaries you need to set in your life at the moment?
145 – What do you need in your life to be happy?
146 – Think back to the last time you laughed so hard you cried. What was it about and who were you with?
147 – Do you feel confident with your understanding of your current financial situation?
148 – What is your biggest money ‘worry’ right now?
149 – What was the last thing you celebrated?
150 – Would you prefer to live by the beach or in the mountains? Why?
151 – What is making you sad/unhappy in your life at the moment?
152 – Write a letter to your future self, date it today’s date, and set a reminder in your phone for the date in the future you want to read it.
153 – Who do you trust the most? Why?
154 – I can add self-care to my day by…
155 – If you had a chance to go back to high school and relive it or redo it, would you?
156 – Describe one habit you want to remove from your life and how you plan to remove it.
157 – What makes you feel the most productive and organized?
158 – What do you do when you’re feeling distracted?
159 – What do you currently do that you feel is self-care?
160 – What does friendship mean to you?
161 – Thinking back to one year ago, how did you imagine your life would look now? Does your current situation match how you thought it would be?
162 – How do you feel when people start talking about money?
163 – Do you believe that your life is mapped out for you or that you have the power to change it?
164 – What is something you do in order to make yourself a priority in your life?
165 – What is something that has made you laugh recently?
166 – What financial goals have you had in the past that you have achieved?
167 – How do you manage difficult situations? How do you wish you would handle them differently or are you happy with your current strategy?
168 – What do you want to spend more time doing this year?
169 – What is the most physically demanding thing you’ve ever done?
170 – Do you prefer early mornings or late nights? Why?
171 – What do you do to help you feel calm, grounded, and at peace?
172 – What is one lesson you want your children to learn in life?
173 – Describe your perfect day and what you need in order to make it a reality.
174 – If you could tell your 18-year-old self 3 words, what would those 3 words be and why?
175 – What do you know today that you didn’t know 1 year ago?
176 – The thoughts that are currently running around my head are…
177 – Have a look around you right now, what is one thing you can see that you are grateful for?
178 – If someone were to interview you about your life, what questions would you want them to ask you?
179 – Do you have any rituals for yourself at different times of the year?
180 – If you had the opportunity to go back in time to one moment in your life, which moment would that be and why?
181 – What do you need in order to live the life of your dreams?
182 – Did you like high school?
183 – How do you know when you are truly happy? What does it look and feel like to you?
184 – From where you are right now, look around you. What do you see?
185 – How do you reward yourself when you celebrate your wins?
186 – If life gives you lemons, what do you do with them?
187 – If I could pinpoint one thing that is missing from my life, it would be…
188 – What is on your plate right now that you can move to next week/month? How will that make you feel?
189 – How would you like to feel about money?
190 – I am the best version of myself when…
191 – If you could live the perfect day, what would it look like?
192 – Do you believe that having more money changes people? If so, how?
193 – I make myself a priority by…
194 – How secure do you feel in your relationship?
195 – What is a daily habit you have that you want to change?
196 – How do you feel about the representation of romance in movies?
197 – If you could write a quick note to your future self, what would it say?
198 – What do you do to help you stay focused on a goal?
199 – What would you do if you had unlimited time and money?
200 – What would you say your core values as a person and in life are?
201 – If you skipped forward 20 years, what do you think is one thing that would shock you?
202 – One fear I wish I could overcome is…
203 – When you see yourself in the mirror, what are the first thoughts that come to mind?
204 – When I practice self-care, I want to feel…
205 – If you could outsource one task from your life, what would it be?
206 – What can you do to simplify your life?
207 – What is something you absolutely love about your daily life?
208 – What is something you need help with right now? Who can you ask to help you?
209 – I am proud of myself for…
210 – What is holding you back from being the most productive person you want to be?
211 – What do you do in order to show yourself love?
212 – Who had the most influence on your understanding of relationships?
213 – What is one word you want to live by this year and what does it mean to you?
214 – What is the least helpful piece of money advice you’ve ever been given?
215 – What makes you truly, to the core happy?
216 – What is your favorite book and why?
217 – Describe the last time you felt so joyful, light, and carefree.
218 – Write about a time when you were selfless. How does that make you feel now?
219 – Do you feel comfortable when you feel your emotions or do you try to get over them quickly? Why?
220 – What would it look like to live a rich life?
221 – Write a love letter to yourself.
222 – What emotion makes you feel the most uncomfortable? Why?
223 – How does spending time alone make you feel?
224 – What is something you’ve always wanted to do but never gotten around to doing? Why?
225 – What is something you look back on in your life and wish you had done differently?
226 – What do you feel your role in this world is?
227 – My dream career is…
228 – Do you feel like you can fully relax? If yes, how? If not, why?
229 – If you’re having a bad day, what can you do to lift yourself up and move out of your funk?
230 – Describe your relationship with money.
231 – Describe how you feel when you have big changes happening in your life. How do you cope with them?
232 – Do you like money? Do you think money is good or bad?
233 – How does your body feel right now?
234 – What’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever been given?
235 – You choose to surround yourself with people who love and support you. Who are they and why?
236 – What do you know about your ancestors and where you came from?
237 – What have you been hiding from others lately but can’t hide from yourself?
238 – What moments take your breath away?
239 – Are you happy with how you spend your time? What would you change?
240 – Who was your most significant childhood friend?
241 – What is something you’ve always wanted to do in your life?
242 – What is one memory you hope to never forget?
243 – What are some of the best compliments you’ve ever received?
244 – Do you ever feel anxious? What are your triggers and how do you manage these anxious moments?
245 – What is the biggest goal you’ve ever achieved?
246 – What would you change about your life right now? What’s stopping you from changing it?
247 – What can you do each day to relax a little more?
248 – What is one good habit you’ve established? How did you create that habit for yourself?
249 – What are your biggest fears and how do you feel they hold you back?
250 – What is your favorite time of day and why?
251 – What is the biggest hurdle you need to overcome in order to achieve your goals? How can you overcome it?
252 – If you were to think about your ‘cup’ how full is it right now?
253 – What is something you keep putting on your to-do list but never actually do? Why?
254 – If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live _______, because….
255 – Who do you feel gives you the most support in your life right now?
256 – When you look in the mirror, what do you LOVE about yourself?
257 – When you look at the balance of your bank account, how do you feel?
258 – As a teenager or young adult, what did you think marriage would look like?
259 – What are 3 things you are looking forward to this week?
260 – When something is worrying you, what do you do about it? How do you manage your worry?
261 – What do you consider your strengths to be?
262 – When I look at myself in the mirror, I feel…
263 – In the past, I have avoided self-care because…
264 – How do you express yourself creatively?
265 – When you were young, were you supported to achieve your goals?
266 – One of the most unique things about me is…
267 – What was the last dream you remember having? What do you think it means?
268 – If you were to say ‘that was the best thing that ever happened to me’ what would you be talking about?
269 – Write down every positive thing you can think of about yourself…
270 – In 12 months from now, what do you hope you have achieved?
271 – What is something you love about yourself?
272 – When I spend time alone, I feel…
273 – What is one aspect of your personality that you believe will help you to live your dream life?
274 – How do you prioritize your mental health?
275 – What do you do for fun, that makes you feel pure joy?
276 – What does love mean to you?
277 – The one thing I feel that is stopping me from living my dream life is…
278 – What highs and lows have you experienced this week?
279 – I feel most loved when…
280 – I feel calm and at ease when I…
281 – What do you believe is an important life lesson you want your kids to learn?
282 – Has anyone ever made you feel not good enough because of money? Describe that situation.
283 – Would you rather have the ability to read minds or see into the future? Why?
284 – What is your favorite fictional romance?
285 – One of the things I really love about myself is…
286 – What is a health or fitness goal you’d like to achieve?
287 – What is something you struggle to understand about the world?
288 – What is one book that has influenced your life and how?
289 – How do you feel about the relationships in your life right now (friendships, family, and romantic)?
290 – What area of your life do you feel you have the most control over?
291 – What is currently on your mind? Brain dump everything.
292 – One of the things you love about yourself is…
293 – Do you think social media is good for the world and for people?
294 – What is a negative feeling you have at the moment that you want to release?
295 – What has been the biggest mental hurdle you’ve had to work through?
296 – If you received an unexpected deposit of $10,000 into your account, how would that make you feel and what would you do with it?
297 – Are you happy right now?
298 – In regards to knowing yourself, what would you like to learn about or discover?
299 – What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life?
300 – Three things I love to do for myself are…
301 – How do you know you are feeling overwhelmed?
302 – Describe your perfect Sunday morning.
303 – What movie can you recite the words to? Do you remember the first time you watched it?
304 – Do you feel like you are moving towards your goal at a pace you are happy with?
305 – What was something from your childhood that made you feel safe?
306 – What is something about yourself that you wish you knew 10 years ago?
307 – How does feeling sad look for you?
308 – What drains the most amount of energy from you?
309 – What is blocking you from living a life you absolutely love right now?
310 – Describe what makes you feel the most in control of your life.
311 – When you get to the end of your life, what are you worried will be your biggest regret?
312 – What is the last book you read and what did it mean to you?
313 – What is making you happy right now?
314 – How does your body feel right now?
315 – If you had to live the next month in the life of the last television show you watched, what would it be and what would you do?
316 – What is the money story from your childhood?
317 – If you could write a letter to your 18-year-old self, what would it say?
318 – Why do you feel you are in your current financial situation?
319 – My core values in myself and my life are…
320 – How would your friends describe you?
321 – What are some of the things on your bucket list?
322 – Rules are made to be….. Explain why.
323 – When did you last feel a big adrenaline rush?
324 – How does your current home make you feel?
325 – What is something you struggle to understand about yourself?
326 – When I think back on the days I am happiest, this is what I am doing…
327 – What is one thing you believe you could do that would help improve your life right now?
328 – What is the most difficult thing about your relationship at the moment?
329 – When I hear the words ‘Dream Life’ I think…
330 – How do you want to feel right now? What do you need to do to feel like this?
331 – What is causing you to stress right now?
332 – What is something you want to teach other people?
333 – Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place that brings you absolute joy – describe that place.
334 – Did you ever have imaginary friends when you were growing up? Describe them.
335 – How do you feel about the relationships in your life right now?
336 – What is one thing you could do right now to move you one step close to living your dream life?
337 – What do you do to calm your mind?
338 – If there is one thing in the world you could do, with no consequences, no limit on time or money or location, and nothing holding you back, what would it be?
339 – What are 3 things about yourself that not many people know (why don’t they know them?)
340 – Are you happy about how you spend your time? What would you change?
341 – Write about a time when you were at a low point and someone showed you kindness.
342 – What is your love language? Do you think it is an accurate representation of you?
343 – What words do you use to describe money, your financial situation, and the way you use money?
344 – I feel most in control when I…
345 – What are your values in life?
346 – If you could plan the perfect date, what would it look like?
347 – What coping strategies do you have in place to help you manage your emotions?
348 – I notice my cup is nearing empty when…
349 – Does your life look like you thought it would?
350 – What is your biggest priority today?
351 – Do you feel like you have the starring role in your own life?
352 – What is your most favorite season of the year?
353 – What is something you would do if you knew no one was watching?
354 – What is something about today that you are looking forward to?
355 – Do you feel like you had a ‘good’ childhood?
356 – What is the first thing you thought of this morning?
357 – How does your body feel when you are stressed or anxious?
358 – What is making you happy right at this moment?
359 – Who has taught you a big life lesson and what was that lesson?
360 – Right now, at this moment, do you love yourself?
361 – What do the different holidays throughout the year mean to you?
362 – Can you describe a single day in your life that you feel changed everything for you?
363 – Describe 5 positive changes you can make that you believe will improve your life today.
364 – What is one habit you wish you could include in your day and why?
365 – I feel most like myself when I…
366 – Describe your most memorable money experience.
Final Thoughts
Turning your journaling practice into a daily habit can take a little time, but with these 365 Journal Prompts, you’ll have a new prompt for each day of the year.
Remember, the goal is not to think about your answers too much – just let the words flow and see where they take you.
If you’re ever feeling stuck, go back to basics and ask yourself “What am I feeling right now?” Then, let the rest flow from there.
Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your emotions and learn more about yourself – so give it a try today!