7 Habits Of Highly Organized People
Ever dreamed of being one of those super organized people who actually get to places on time instead of 10 minutes late (always). You can adopt any or all of these habits of highly organized people and start living your life a little less frantic.
These habits can help keep life in order, help reduce mental stress and help you live a happier and calmer life. You don’t have to do them all at once to reap the benefits. Pick one or two from the list and start working towards including them in your day.

1 – They Create Systems For All Areas Of Their Lives
One of the biggest aspects of staying organized is creating systems to help keep every area of your life on track. A system for how you prepare meals and grocery shop, a system for cleaning your home, a system for getting ready of a morning.
Every system works individually and as part of a whole to maintain organization and structure in a highly organized persons life.
They don’t have to worry about when to do things like grocery shopping, or which store to go to, because they repeat the same process over and over as part of the system.

2 – They Keep Lists
Lists are an organized persons not so secret weapon. Lists help keep everything in order and assure that nothing will be forgotten.
To do lists are a standard, but they also have lists for groceries, weekend activities, weekly tasks and just about everything else you can think of.
These lists don’t have to be written out on paper (although some people prefer to keep their lists this way). Apps can help you keep track of your lists too.

3 – They Automate As Much As Possible
A highly organized person knows that no matter how organized they are, there are still things they can clear off their plate by automating them.
Tasks like paying bills can all be automated through their banks and even grocery deliveries or meal prep can be automated and outsourced.
Automating areas of your life means that you can clear mental load from your day and also know that things will just get done without you having to think about them.

4 – They Keep A Calendar
There’s no surprises for a highly organized person because everything goes onto their calendar and they check on a regular basis what is coming up.
Whether they use a planner or a calendar on their phone, nothing happens without it being in the calendar first.
Highly organized couples and families can even just joint calendars or set their calendars on their phones to sync so everyone stays in the loop.

5 – They Have A To Do List and A Ta Da List
To do lists are one of the most used methods of organization for a lot of people. But a highly organized person uses a to do list and a ta da list.
A to do list focuses on what needs to be done, and crossing things off that list is so darn satisfying. But a ta da list focuses on what has been done and brings about a massive sense of achievement.
While a to do list might cover off the main tasks of the day like making lunches, taking kids to school, preparing a report for work… a ta da list will cover all the little things that take up time and energy like stacking the dishwasher, feeding the dog, driving to work.
Why are these so effective? Because they allow you to bring attention to all the things you do in a day, regardless of how many things you tick off your to do list, and allows you to feel a big sense of achievement and accomplishment for your day.
Which motivates you to keep going and moving towards ticking off your to do list. It really works.

6 – They Thrive On Routine
Routines, like systems, free up so much mental space and energy and allow you to reserve energy for the more exciting things in life than deciding if you’re going to have breakfast first or get dressed first.
It’s really simple, highly organized people create routines that they can follow on repeat without having to give much thought at all.
From how their morning runs, through to how they prepare their week, routines are the base of which all highly organized people build their day.
7 – They Clear Clutter And Simplify
Highly organised people know that clutter is a distraction, and that everything needs to have a purpose (whether it’s emotional or function) and that all things need to have a place. Clutter serves no purpose and takes up mental and physical space that could be much better used.
They declutter regularly, ensure everything is put away and in doing so, simplify their life. They don’t have twenty candles when four will do. Simple living makes them feel more organized and in control.
Living an organized life doesn’t have to be hard, especially when you create these habits of highly organized people and include them in your day. They aren’t complicated, they don’t take a lot of time, and once you’ve created the habit, you’ll easily be on your way to a more orgnanized, simplified and less stressed life.